Thursday, March 10, 2011

♥ lovely Phuket day 2 ♥

Where was i??
Experiencing changing of lifestyle now...
waking up at 7.30 am is still a very HARD thing for me coz 2 years back then i dun have a class that is so freaking earlier...if i do, i would rather skip it!
i am officially an O.L!

Back to my Phuket trip which was almost a month ago...
Day 2 was..... erm....... it was here my eyes infection started....woke up with sore eyes...could barely open my all red!!! lucky one of my fren bought a saline which will help....yes! it does!
but i could barely see below those freaking sunlight without the sun glasses!
And today is a beach day!!! Bikini Day!!!
No choice but have to wear my spec out for the whole BIKINI DAY!!!
* if you see my pic without my purple spec, means i cant even see clearly when taking those pic! LOL!

Guess Big head boy really loves our country!!! he even wear on it to beach!

Some of my bikini post with dear! What u say??

MESSY HAIR..... wind is superb strong......

I tried putting on those 'frog leg' to so called swim better when i snorkeling....but i rather felt comfortable without it!
Strike a pose!!

One of the island we stopped by..... the view is awesome.... me + big head boy swim & snorkeling for half was just GREAT!

and the bikini post continue ...........

xoxo ~p~

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