Friday, April 8, 2011

lambang misteri is no longer a myst!

If you read my previous post, you probably will have a huge guess of what is this lambang misteri is about.....
NOW, the mystery is finally being review!!!
is a brand new social network website -
i think it's only 1 day old for the website......but guess how many user have registered??



Basically you will need to register your mobile phone number for an account.
then i saw those words - pengikut ( follower ) and mengikut ( follow ) in the front page of some of the active user.......
what i get here is something like twitter where you can follow and being followed by others.

1) Wed language are in BAHASA MALAYSIA!!
Guess this is the 1st social network based in Malaysia.....
will you be joining if you are not from Malaysia? NO!
if you are from other races besides Malay>? to me, i will NOT!
Not being racist here.....but really disappointed the website are in BM.....
they should make this web page in Global language....

2) Created by Celcom??
Saw the terms and condition part....and was shocked to see those terms and condition mentioned that Celcom will not liable to any..........................
So now i get it....why there were so many marketing strategy being carried can cost millions....from newspaper to tv ....
and those women in black that i saw.....
No wonder they can incurred all this cost!

So don't ask me how to play and those stuff....
me? not interested at all.......

xoxo ~p~

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