Friday, July 30, 2010

Inception of my dream

After being saying for so long i wanted to see this epic movie, Inception...
finally i get to watched it yesterday....
just wanna share out my feelings after watching it...

i feel totally in a different world and mind of thought after coming out from cinema...
i wonder if you feel it too if you had watch it?
Christopher Nolan changed my imagination, or should i say, my fantasy world of thought..
it makes me feels that my dream world actually can be 'real'...
all those imagination i got in my mind, will portray in my dreams and he filmed it out for us to feel how it is be in the 'dream' world...

For a constant ' dreamer' like me, it really makes me amazed...
i wonder how he can translate a 'dream' into another 'dream' and another.....
for some ppl, this movie is sucks!!!
but for me, i think this is the movie we called it ' very artistic ' to understand....

i loves the ending....
it makes the audience guess whether Leonardo still living in the
dream' world or it had back to reality...
coz the tipping top is still spinning.....but it showed some sign of dropping also....but you never know....
it could be both....

and the timing they had calculated comparing dream and reality....
i must say, WOW!
Who is this world would have calculated it.... but this movie, although is just a movie, but i think the calculation of time does make sense...

but the movie also showed some insight to me...
if you stuck forever in the 'dream' world... everything around you are fake....
what would you feel?
it makes me feels that i should cherish my 'reality' world more!

can you imagine 'someone' can really go into your dreams and steal your idea or reveal your secret??
i never had thought of that....and there will be a job so called a thief to steal your ideas...
so ironic right? being a thief ....but in a dream....

for now, i just wish i can dream of my purple world...wonder what would it be...xD

xoxo ~p~

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