After months of waiting and waiting...
finally i received the parcel from Gdex.
My Iphone 4 from DIGI online store!! For only RM1990!! With no contract!!
But i had tied to iPhone 3gs plan for 2 years.... so that's y i got this discount!!
My excitement turn to sadness when i found out my new baby is having a big problem!!
No sound when answering phone or call out!!
Can only hear it through loud speaker or headset!! ARGH~!!!!
Purposely went to DIGI service centre waited for an hour and tested my phone
Certified DEAD!! LOL*
Was inform i will get a new set but need to wait coz currently is out of stock!!
I was so excited to dress up my baby into purple dresses of course....
guess now i will have to wait!
xoxo ~p~
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